Sun Boxes at IMPORTANT Records

Thug Walk

                                   PHOTO : Sean McCarthy

Saturday August 10th we had back to The Commonwealth to visit our friends at Important Records.  Noon to Sundown weather permitting.

There will be Important Records for sale.  There will be chickens and sheep too.

Please email imprec at importantrecords dot com for directions.

CC and SB at Important

Secret Nook


Sun Boxes CONNECT August 23-24 Louisville, KY

C U B EM U S I C University of Arkansas, September 4-28 Fayetteville, AR

Sun Boxes Rochester Contemporary Art Center, September 26-28 Rochester NY

Sun Boxes Fall In…Art and Sol, October 1-31, Midland, MI

C U B EM U S I C Art Center Sarasota, November 4-January 3, Sarasota FL

Array Barn

INSTALL Screening in Arkansas



Thursday, June 20 at 7:30PM

Starr Theater at Walton Arts Center

Free and open to the public.

Install: Sound, Light and Craig Colorusso follows the work of artist Craig Colorusso, whose Sun Boxes are currently being displayed around Northwest Arkansas.

Also playing is 10,000 Trees, a film by Missouri native and Artosphere documenatarian Sarah Ginsburg, is the story of a man who met his lifetime goal of planting his 10,000th tree.

Bending Sticks: The Sculpture of Patrick Dougherty, highlights the career of last year’s Artosphere artist who created Out of The Woodwork, currently on display on Tyson Plaza at Walton Arts Center.

More info: Here

Trailer for INSTALL: Here

Sun Boxes at Artosphere


Sun Boxes will be partaking in the 4th annual Artosphere Festival.

There are many opportunities to come and experience Sun Boxes.

May 9 Tyson Plaza, at Walton Arts Center, 4pm-Sundown

May 13 &14 Tyson Plaza, at Walton Arts Center, 9am-1:30pm

May 18 Spiral Wetland, Lake Fayetteville. 9am-Sundown

May 19 Block Street Block Party, 9am-Sundown

May 20 John Brown University Quad (front lawn) 10am-Sundown

May 22 Tyson Plaza, at Walton Arts Center, 4pm-Sundown

May 23 Tyson Plaza, at Walton Arts Center12noon-Sundown

May 25 Tyson Plaza, at Walton Arts Center, 12noon-Sundown

May 26 Tyson Plaza, at Walton Arts Center 12noon-Sundown

June 2 Botanical Garden of the Ozarks, 8am-10am

June 5 &6 University of Arkansas campus 12noon-Sundown

June 8 Trail at Pinnacle Hills-behind Taco Bell, 12noon-Sundown

June 9 Trail at Pinnacle Hills-behind Taco Bell 12noon-4

June 13-15 Tyson Plaza & Rose Garden, at Walton Arts Center, 12noon-Sundown

June 16 Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, 1pm-3pm

June 20 Tyson Plaza, at Walton Arts Center, 4pm-Sundown

June 22 Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Sunrise-Sundown




Sun Boxes at LexArts

Silver Lake

LexArts Announces New Public Art Initiative

Artist Craig Colorusso’s Sun Boxes Blends Music and the Power of the Sun

Temporary Installation at CentrePointe May 3-5

LexArts is pleased to announce that artist Craig Colorusso will bring his solar powered sound sculpture, Sun Boxes, to Lexington for a weekend-long installation.  Colorusso’s work will be available to the public on May 3rd, 4th, and 5th at CenterPointe.

Sun Boxes, sculptural experimentation with sound and solar energy, is made up of twenty wooden created with tools from woodworkingquestions that are equipped with solar panels, speakers, amplifiers and electronic sound modules.  Each Box is preloaded with a recorded guitar note and collectively Sun Boxes creates unique melodies that vary infinitely throughout the day depending on the amount of clouds and sun and even shadows of the participants.

LexArts CEO Jim Clark noted, “Colorusso’s work fits with the aesthetics of the public art program we are building here in Lexington- a temporary sonic piece which is akin to the Bill Fontana work, Surface Reflections, which continues to perform in our downtown.

The installation is the latest in a program that provides a platform for non-traditional and/or alternative forms of public art.  Like Fontana, Colorusso began his artistic career as a musician and has evolved to join a growing number of artists that borrow ambient sounds and real-world noise as an integral part of their work.”

Colorusso, a self described “recovering musician’ added, “Sun Boxes is really my way of improvising with Mother Nature.  The sounds are both soothing and energizing, not unlike the sounds that might accompany yoga and meditation.”


Sun Boxes at AMOA-Arthouse


Saturday April 27th

Sunday April 28th


Laguna Gloria

3809W 35th ST

Austin, Texas

Co-Presented by

Fusebox Festival

Artist Craig Colorusso’s solar powered sound sculptures, Sun Boxes, will be installed on the grounds. Twenty independently-operated speakers preloaded with recorded guitar notes collectively create harmonious chords, which continually overlap and evolve into new, unique melodies. For each day the Sun Boxes are on view, Colorusso will mix up the sculptures’ arrangement to invite a more organic, atmospherically responsive interaction. The artist will be on hand throughout the weekend to engage with visitors in this pop-up meditative space. Free with museum admission.


Silver Lake

F A C E B O O K 

T W I T T E R 

Y O U T U B E 

S I T E 

Kight Point

Coming soon: Sun Boxes at




INSTALL: Sound, Light & Craig Colorusso

a short film by Kevin Belli

INSTALL the film enters the world of installation artist Craig Colorusso who is transforming our environment through sculpture, light and sound. A series of audio interviews with the artist accompany a wide breadth of footage that traverses the New England landscape to capture three installations: 
MB 89, CUBEMUSIC, and SUN BOXES. Colorusso candidly recalls the salient moments that have helped shape both the world he is creating and the life he is living.

SB at Holy Cross

After an amazing time in Boulder at COMMUNIKEY 2012 we drove two days straight to get to Worcester, Massachusetts.
Just in time for fog and rain.
Sometimes it’s nice to walk through the array in silence.
So Sun Boxes at Holy Cross was bumped a few days later.
It ended up being a great day for Sun Boxes.

On the newly created Hoval.
It felt good to be back in The Commonwealth.
Even for just a few days.